Apr 22Liked by Sarah Reynolds

If someone in Mike Johnson's position doesn't have the balls to publicly identify whoever may be threatening him, he should never have run for office. Generally speaking, about 98% of these corrupt politicians are talent free, nut free wonders to begin with that just want to get rich.

There's no difference between blackmail, bribery or threats. If you can't stand the heat, you should never have popped into the kitchen.

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Apr 22Liked by Sarah Reynolds

If I was in Mike Johnson's position and someone threatened my family, my next move would be a press conference calling their bluff. It would be unwise to harm any member of a man's family who just publicly stated that people had threatened his family.

I don't think we need more childless politicians. We need more family men in politics who understands if they capitulate to present evil to save their children from a current threat, their children will just be consumed by evil in the future.

Mike Johnson claims to be a man of faith. If he was threatened, he should trust in God to protect him and his family. If he is being blackmailed, he should come clean about the transgressions he is facing blackmail over.

Based on his appearance on Dan Bongino's radio show I suspect a fourth option: Mike Johnson is a moron. He was adamant that Congress had to reauthorize section 702 of FISA because the IC had convinced him that attaining warrants could take too long if they discovered a threat in communications between a foreigner and an American. Bongino pointed out the plain fact that warrants are often procured by a quick phone call in time sensitive cases but they had to agree to disagree when it was clear that Johnson wasn't picking up what he was putting down.

The IC "getting to" Speaker Johnson could have simply been a matter of a couple sly members of the IC convincing a member of Congress to take their position. No blackmail or threats are necessary if the Eskimo you want to sell your ice to is an idiot.

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Apr 22Liked by Sarah Reynolds

He, and the rest of them, no matter their motivation, are worthless cowards. Always willing to stand only for themselves. Scum. But it was very predictable because they (politicians in America) are all the same corrupt liars cut from the same uniparty cloth. Nobody is brave anymore. I have a lot of anger about this.

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Apr 22Liked by Sarah Reynolds

The best explanation is often the simplest. The actors in the IC have proven immune to accountability, even after caught directly lieing to congress. So this is believable. And likely to be true tomorrow if not today.

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Apr 22Liked by Sarah Reynolds

Demoralization can be countered by basing one's happiness on what can never be taken from us. As for Congress, they and the other traitorous politicians will happily try to take everything from us and our loved ones too.

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Apr 22Liked by Sarah Reynolds

Just like dr zelenko said about the heads of state that all of a sudden joined the covid vaccine op...either you do this or we will kill your family..

.go along and we will put 5 mm in a swiss bank account that no one will ever find.

Thanks for reminding us of hoe our deep state works.

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Apr 22Liked by Sarah Reynolds

I had often thought that people in powerful positions had been compromised in some way simply because I didn't think so many people had no conscience. But I had never considered that they might have had loved ones threatened. I suppose it'sanother tool in the manipulators box.

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